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Happy Hormones

Unleashing the Happy Hormones: The Art-Science Connection

This fascinates me but the two aspects of how art and science intertwine that are at the forefront of art practice are:

1. You can physically feel the vibrations of energy emitted from different colors.

2. Hormones are released in your body when engaging -with focus- on art that actually increases the well being of our mental and physical health. Different colours absorb varying levels of energy from sources of light therefore the vibrations they release are a reflection of this. Researchers believe that we can physically feel these vibrations!

Biology Scientists have extensively researched and have evidence that proves: when we interact with art hormones such as dopamine and endorphins (known as happy hormones) are released in our bodies. These hormones instantly uplift our mood and can reduce levels of stress and anxiety.

Here is an interesting article by John Hopkins University “Blind people can’t see color but understand it the same way as sighted people”