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Revealing the Depths: Embracing the Language of Facial Expressions

Within each of us lies a masterpiece waiting to be unveiled – the intricate canvas of the human face. It's a living tableau that captures the essence of our innermost selves, painting a vibrant picture of the emotions coursing through our veins. From the gentle curve of a smile to the tender gleam in our eyes, every contour tells a tale of joy, sorrow, love, and longing.

Our faces are more than mere features; they are portals into our souls, windows through which our emotions dance freely. With a single glance, we can convey volumes – the furrowed brow of concern, the twinkling eyes of mirth, or the quivering lips of anguish. These subtle nuances, these silent whispers of emotion, bridge the chasm between us, transcending barriers of language and culture.

From the moment we enter this world, we are wired to read the language of facial expressions. It's a universal dialect, understood by all, that binds us together in a tapestry of shared experiences. Our ability to recognize and interpret these signals not only enriches our relationships but also deepens our understanding of ourselves.

In the mirror of our own faces, we discover a treasure trove of insights into our emotional landscape. By tuning into the subtle cues that play across our features, we gain a greater awareness of our inner world, unlocking the door to self-discovery and personal growth.

The human face is a marvel of complexity and beauty, a testament to the kaleidoscope of emotions that define our humanity. It reminds us that we are not islands unto ourselves but interconnected beings, bound by the threads of emotion that weave through our lives.

So, let us embrace the power of our faces – these exquisite instruments of expression – and celebrate the rich tapestry of emotions they reveal. For in doing so, we not only honor our own humanity but also forge deeper connections with those around us, weaving a web of empathy and understanding that spans the breadth of our shared existence.

to H*LL and back - part 2

reference: Part 1:

The fire had raged through our home and my art studio. In its wake, it left behind a landscape of charred memories and broken dreams. My husband and I stood amidst the ashes, our hearts heavy with sorrow, we stood shocked in disbelief as the firefighters worked hard to put out the fire. My eyes clouded with tears. It was a devastating day one that would forever be etched in our souls.

The first days after the fire were a blur of shock and disbelief. We sifted through the rubble, searching for any salvageable fragments of their former life. Each discovery, no matter how small, felt like a lifeline to the past. A melted brush, a scorched canvas, a singed photograph—these were the relics of a life once vibrant and full of promise.

The studio, once a sanctuary of creativity, now stood as a skeletal frame, a haunting reminder of what once was. Thankfully not everything was destroyed. The Hammond Fire Department did an amazing job at trying to protect everything they could from the fire, smoke and water. They were definitely our heroes that day.

But amidst the devastation, a flicker of hope began to emerge. Friends and neighbors rallied around them, offering support and comfort. in spite of many physical possessions being gone, the bonds of humanity and community remained intact. We were safe, and our little doggie, Snuggles. He has since passed away. On the day of the fire, he was mostly blind and very scared. I was able to get him out of the house and into a safe area. For a little white we sat in the backyard and just sat and watched and the workers continued to do their jobs. Someone brought use cold water to drink and tried to comfort us with kind words and the usually small talk that has a way of making you fell like you’re not alone through this.

Our son Ben, and his lovely wife Angel brought us into their home to stay with a few bare essentials. We didn’t know where to start, where to live, how to deal with insurance matters of this magnitude.

As the days turned into weeks, me and my sweet hubby began the arduous process of rebuilding our lives. I had a dear and special friend belle money into my bank account, and someone ordered some artwork, which was very helpful. Weeks later we found a temporary place to live, a rented space that lacked the familiarity of our old home but provided a sense of shelter. The best part about it was we were living close to some of our family again. Now we faced the daunting task of navigating insurance claims, paperwork, and finding a contractor and the logistics of rebuilding. The process was exhausting, frustrating, and often disheartening. Sorting through the personal property loss information took much longer than expected. Between the demands of everyday life, working, painting, hospitalizations/health issues, a close brush with death, and broken foot, the betrayal of someone I loved dearly, social commitments, finding time for family and friends, (and a new grand baby WoooHooo!) all while making decisions about the house repairs....I have to say it has been quite challenging.  I feel like I've been burning the candle at both ends and in the middle.

But even in the face of adversity, they found strength in their determination to rise from the ashes. I started creating anew, their work infused with a depth of emotion that could only come from the crucible of loss. Each brushstroke was a testament to resilience and the enduring power of the human spirit…it can also be an escape from reality at times. I get into my mental “zone” of creating and I am so totally focused on it that I can not think about the horrific stuff surrounding me.

And as time passed, the emotional scars of the fire began to heal. Deep inside I sense that the new creations were born from the ashes of their old life. I have grown in wisdom with experience and understand with more clarity the fragility of existence. There was so much loss, but it also hope—a reminder that beauty could emerge from the darkest of moments.

Through it all, we found solace in the support of their loved ones and the knowledge that they were not alone in their journey. The fire had taken so much from them, but it had also revealed the depth of their resilience and the strength of their human connections. In the process of rebuilding their lives, they discovered that while the flames had consumed their past, they had forged a new future, one built on the enduring pillars of love, community, and the indomitable human spirit.

Happy Dance Time : )

I am thrilled to announce that my artwork, "Sun-Kissed Morning" has been selected by the jury for the International Guild of Realism's Fall Salon International Online Exhibition. It is a great honor to be included among such talented artists from around the world. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the jury for this incredible opportunity. I would also like to congratulate all the other finalists on their outstanding achievements.

Magazine Feature

"Handmade Sellers" Magazine

I had to honor to be featured in the "Handmade Sellers" Magazine. WoooHooo!

Forgot to mention this to anyone (it's a winter issue from back in January- #77).

You can subscribe for free:

Thank you for taking the time to look over this article. If you’d like to learn more about my story go to:

Conquering Fear for Personal Growth

Fear of trying new things or taking the first step can be a significant roadblock to personal growth. In this blog post, we will explore how the fear of the unknown can hinder our progress and discuss the importance of overcoming it to unlock our full potential.

1. Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone: Growth occurs outside our comfort zone. When we let fear hold us back from trying new things, we miss out on valuable opportunities for learning, development, and self-discovery.

2. Embracing Vulnerability: Taking the first step requires vulnerability as it involves putting ourselves out there, potentially facing failure or judgment. However, it is through vulnerability that we learn, grow, and build resilience.

3. Expanding Horizons: Trying new things broadens our horizons and opens doors to new experiences, perspectives, and skills. By overcoming fear and embracing the unknown, we expand our knowledge, capabilities, and personal growth.

4. Building Confidence: Each step we take outside our comfort zone strengthens our confidence. Over time, we realize that we are capable of more than we initially believed, empowering us to take on bigger challenges and achieve greater heights.

5. Cultivating Adaptability: Embracing new experiences and challenges fosters adaptability, a valuable trait in today's ever-changing world. By being open to trying new things, we develop the ability to adapt, adjust, and thrive in different situations.

Conquering the fear of trying new things or taking the first step is essential for personal growth. By stepping out of our comfort zones, embracing vulnerability, and expanding our horizons, we unlock our true potential and embark on a journey of continuous learning, growth, and self-discovery. So, let go of fear, embrace the unknown, and watch your life transform as you embrace new opportunities and reach new heights.

As an artist, I've had to face my fair share of fears on this creative journey. Those nagging doubts of not being good enough have actually become a driving force for me. Instead of letting them hold me back, I've used them as a powerful tool to push myself even harder and grow my skills.

And you know what? I've also grappled with that fear of not measuring up to others' talents. But I've learned that comparing myself to others isn't the path I want to take. Instead, I've decided to set my own unique goals for self-achievement. It's all about my personal growth and progress, not trying to match up with someone else's path.

At the end of the day, these fears have taught me valuable lessons and have helped shape me into the artist I am today. Embracing challenges and using them to my advantage has been a real game-changer. And I'm excited to see where this journey will take me next! Keep on keeping on the track that you are on and conquering those fears too! 😊

Unforgettable Studio Shenanigans

I had probably one of the most unique studio experiences ever. It’s just a typical day in the studio, paperwork scattered across my desk. My sweet little grand-darling who was only about 6 months old at the time, was spending the afternoon with me. I had her on my hip while walking into my studio area to get some paperwork. Little did I know that this innocent visit would turn into one of the most amusing and heartwarming experiences in my art career.

As I sorted through the paperwork, my grand-darling began babbling away, completely captivated by something in the room. I turned to see her smiling and cooing at none other than CMS Sapp's portrait. I couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected interaction. It was as if she was having the most animated conversation with the stoic figure on the canvas.

I couldn't resist mentioning this adorable encounter to CMS Sapp himself. His reply was , "Well, babies have always liked me."

A Touch of Magic: In that whimsical moment, I realized that art has the power to transcend boundaries. It can captivate the imaginations of the youngest souls and create a world where anything is possible. Who's to say that CMS Sapp's portrait didn't have a secret charm that caught the attention of my grand-darling? Perhaps she sensed his bravery and esteemed presence, even at such a tender age.

That day, my studio transformed into a realm of innocence, laughter, and unexpected connections. It reminded me of the joys that art brings, not only to the artist but to all those who encounter it. In the future, I will always remember the sight of my grand-darling smiling and babbling away, entranced by a portrait that seemed to possess a baby-friendly aura.

It’s become a studio memory I will always cherish. It’s a reminder of the magic that art can create. It's these delightful and humorous moments that make our artistic journeys all the more meaningful. So, here's to the joyous wonders that unfold when little ones and portraits have a lively chat—truly a tale for the ages.

A Privileged Journey: Painting for the Louisiana Department of Military

As an artist, there are certain opportunities that come along, that I cherish. One such opportunity presented itself to me when I was given the chance to paint a portrait of CMS Dennis Sapp for the Louisiana National Guard’s Hall of Fame. I consider it a humbling honor to capture the essence of any individual deserving of such a recognition.

From the moment I received the invitation to create this portrait, I knew I was embarking on a special endeavor. The Louisiana Department of Military's Hall of Fame is a place where the bravery, dedication, and achievements of remarkable individuals are commemorated. To be entrusted with the responsibility of immortalizing one such individual through art is a tremendous privilege.

Throughout the entire process, from initial discussions to the final brushstroke, I relished every moment. This opportunity allowed me to dive deep into the subject's story, gathering insights and understanding their unique essence, his character, his service to our country. My hope was to capture the spirit and nature of the person being honored.

As an artist, my goal is to always create a portrait that goes beyond mere technical replication. I’d like portray the character of each individual in a unique way. Every brushstroke was executed with utmost care. It was an endeavor that demanded attention to detail, thoughts were given to how bold a color’s hue and chroma should be, what areas should receive more dominance and what places should not.

As the portrait took shape, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride in contributing to the well-deserved recognition of CMS Sapp. The Hall of Fame serves as a testament to the dedication and sacrifice of extraordinary individuals who have made a lasting impact on the military community. It is an honor to be part of this legacy, using my artistic skills to ensure that their stories are celebrated for generations to come.

As an artist, I am grateful for the trust bestowed upon me and for the chance to play a small role in preserving the stories of those who have dedicated their lives to the service of others.

To learn more about CMS Dennis Sapp

click here: CMS SAPP

The Beauty and Inspiration of Nature

Nature's allure is a constant reminder of the profound beauty that surrounds us. From the majestic mountains to the gentle rustling of leaves, nature captivates our senses and touches our souls. Beyond its breathtaking landscapes, nature holds the power to inspire, invigorate, and awaken the creativity within us.

1. Finding Solace in Nature: Amidst the chaos of daily life, nature offers solace and respite. Whether we find comfort in a serene forest, a serene lake, or a vibrant garden, nature's tranquility soothes our weary minds and rejuvenates our spirits. It provides a space for reflection, introspection, and deep connection with our inner selves.

2. A Source of Inspiration: Nature's boundless beauty serves as an endless wellspring of inspiration. Its colors, patterns, and intricate designs ignite our imaginations and fuel our creativity. From the delicate petals of a flower to the sprawling canopy of a forest, nature's artistry urges us to see the world through fresh eyes and find inspiration in the simplest of details.

3. Reconnecting with our Roots: In the embrace of nature, we reconnect with our primal instincts and rediscover our place in the web of life. We witness the interdependence of all living things and the delicate balance of ecosystems. This reminder of our interconnectedness fosters a sense of humility and encourages us to become stewards of the environment.

Nature's beauty and inspiration are gifts that enrich our lives and awaken our spirits. By immersing ourselves in the wonders of the natural world, we find solace, ignite our creativity, and reconnect with the essence of our existence. Let us cherish and protect nature, for it holds the key to our own growth and harmonious coexistence with the world around us.

Keys to lasting connections

Good human relationships are built on a foundation of love, trust, and understanding. In this article, we explore the key elements that contribute to strong and lasting connections between individuals.

Communication: Effective communication forms the bedrock of healthy relationships. It involves active listening, expressing oneself honestly, and fostering open dialogue to build understanding and resolve conflicts.

Trust and Respect: Good relationships thrive on mutual trust and respect. It means honoring boundaries, being reliable, and showing genuine care and support for one another.

Empathy and Compassion: Understanding and empathy create an atmosphere of compassion and emotional support. Being able to empathize with the experiences and emotions of others fosters deeper connections and strengthens bonds.

Good human relationships are nurtured through effective communication, trust, respect, empathy, and compassion. By cultivating these qualities, we create a foundation for meaningful and fulfilling connections that enrich our lives and bring joy and support to both parties involved. Let us cherish and invest in the elements that make good relationships thrive.

Landry Portrait

Commissioned by a son for his Mom. (that makes this one really special)